Book and Purchase
How do I shop online? Booking online on our website is easy . Browse through the categories that interest you or use the search box to go directly to a list of specific products.Once you find what you want, click the "Add to Cart" button. This place your selected item will be stored into the shopping cart while you continue to browse. They will be your pending purchases, arranged by merchant, which you can access by clicking on the Shopping Cart link located in the top menu bar.
Is the listed price for one person?

For one-day city tours, yes. For tours of two days or more, the listed price is based on a double-occupancy room.You may place the cursor over the calendar to display the detailed price chart and see the rates for the third and fourth person occupying the same room.

To get a quick price quote, simply select the number of rooms and number of persons under “Book Now” and click the calculate button.


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