Day 2:
卡尔加里 - 班芙国家公园 - 幽鹤国家公园 (211 公里)
早上从卡尔加里上车出发前往露易丝湖,游览结束后前往梦莲湖/十峰山谷,途经螺旋隧道, 驻足欣赏翡翠湖、天然桥。
班芙国家公园 (Banff National Park, AB)
露易丝湖 (Lake Louise)
游览时间: 大约2小时
梦莲湖 (Moraine Lake)
*Moraine Lake open from (Late May or early June to early Oct). If closed, it will be replaced by the Vermillion Lake.
游览时间: 大约1小时
十峰山谷 (Valley of the Ten Peaks)
幽鹤国家公园 (Yoho National Park, AB)
优鹤国家公园拥有加拿大最高的瀑布奇景、世界级的化石遗迹地、和鬼斧神工的的天然地形景观, 和班夫、杰士伯同被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产之一。
翡翠湖 (Emerald Lake)
游览时间: 大约20分钟
自然桥 (Natural Bridge)
因河床岩层的硬度差异导致河床架空似桥因而得名。 河流对岸有展示台说明侵蚀过程及未来变化。
游览时间: 大约15分钟
Day 3:
班芙国家公园 - 贾斯珀国家公园 - 卡尔加里 (510 公里)
班芙国家公园 (Banff National Park, AB)
弓湖 (Bow Lake)
游览时间: 大约20分钟
哥伦比亚冰原 (Columbia Icefield)
Closed before May-5th and after Thanksgiving (October), will be replaced by Minnewanka Lake & Two Jack Lake.
游览时间: 大约2小时30分钟
乌鸦爪冰川 (Crowfoot Glacier)
游览时间: 大约15分钟
佩多湖 (Peyto Lake)
若未开放,以Waterfowl Lake水鸟湖代替。
游览时间: 大约20分钟
贾斯珀国家公园 (Jasper National Park, AB)
冰原观景大道 (Icefields Parkway) (途经)
Optional Activity Introduction
Optional Activity - Columbia Icefield Ice Explorer:
The Columbia Icefield Adventure reveals the most unique attraction in the Canadian Rockies. Massive Brewster Ice Explorers, specially designed for glacial travel, take passengers on a remarkable excursion onto the surface of the Athabasca Glacier.
*If not joining this activity, you will be self-explorering at the Columbia Icefield Discovery Centre or walk to the bottom of the glacier at your own risk.
Optional Activity - Banff Photo + Wildlife Night Tour:
This itinerary is an optional tour in the evening. It will take you to the famous photography spots in Banff area. The journey start with the visit of wild animals. follow by the famous sunset of Vermillion Lake, and end with the beautiful view of Banff Town under the night sky. Experienced guides will share photography skills and provide assistance to help you leave beautiful memories.
Tour start half hour before sunet at Banff National Park. Duration: 2.5 - 3 hours; return to hotel after tour; return to banff hotel or Calgary after the tour. Please note that tour returns to Calgary around midnight.
*If not joining this activity, you will have free time at your leisure in the evening
**Please also note the itinerary sequence listed above will be changed based on the actual arrival date. Some attractions will be replaced with others when they are closed for the seasonal reasons.